The UK’s leading sender of genuinely handwritten direct mail
It’s pretty simple; we send handwritten direct mail that gets opened, gets read and gets responded to.
If your direct mail is driving uninspiring results or you want to send direct mail that delights your recipients, then nothing comes close to genuinely handwritten mail.
Whether it’s an unmissable handwritten letter, a heartfelt handwritten card or a response-boosting hand-addressed envelope; our team of handwriters (or “scribblers” as they’re known) bring your campaign to life.
Best of all, as every piece of mail is packed by hand, we’re specialists at unique direct mail campaigns that are impossible for a machine to do (until AI takes over the world that is).

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Beautiful Handwritten letters
When was the last time that you received a handwritten letter? It was probably a playground love letter (if you were lucky).
The truth is, we just don’t receive them any more.
That’s why our handwritten letter service is incredibly popular.
Whether you want to write a “thank you” message to your premium customers or you want to up-sell/re-engage current customers, nothing can compete with a real handwritten letter.
heartfelt handwritten cards
In a world that is becoming dominated by automations and bots – the power of a genuinely handwritten card is incredibly powerful.
We work with a number of leading brands that focus on delivering incredible customer experience by sending handwritten “thank you” cards and notes to their customers on their behalf.
Nothing puts a smile on the face of your customer like a handwritten card.
hand-addressed envelopes
It’s pretty simple. You can send your envelopes printed with a franking stamp, and naturally, a % of them will end up straight in the bin.
Or, you can send them in genuinely hand-addressed envelopes with a real stamp and practically guarantee them being opened.
The more people that open them and see your message, the higher your response-rate.
Drip Campaigns (Sample Packs & Welcome Packs)
With secure on-site storage, your print and materials can be picked, handwritten and packed – allowing you to send highly personalised handwritten sample packs, welcome packs and member appreciation campaign.
By sending handwritten, it allows you to put your best foot forward by delighting your prospect/client, as well as simplifying your internal fulfilment.
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Frequently asked questions
Q: What's your average turnaround time?
This is based on many factors including what you want to send, the quantity and the timing (based around our other projects), but typical turnaround times are from seven working days.
Once we have your project details and required date of delivery, we can then give you an accurate turnaround time.
Q: Who are your handwriters?
All of our team work in-house from our office in Ashby-De-La-Zouch.
We employ people who are typically university educated, but have taken a career break to raise children. They work for us in our office from 9.30am until 2.30pm, which means concentration levels are high as it’s not an overly long day.
Q: What other clients do you work with?
We sign NDAs with the large majority of our clients to keep their identity a secret. (Most superheroes have secret disguises, right?)
But we work with a number of leading UK brands and market leaders including billion pound online businesses, major car brands and everything in between.
Q: What's your data protection process?
There are multiple steps to our highly-thorough data protection process.
This includes uploading your data to a secure FTP area that will have your own unique password, your data is then divided between multiple handwriters in small ‘Day Chunks’. At the end of the day, these data sheets are then shredded immediately.
We keep a record of which handwriter has completed each specific sheet for a period of 30 days. At the end of the 30-day period, we delete all data from the FTP areas so that we’re no longer processing the data.
You can find full information on our 'Data Protection' page
Q: What's your Quality Control procedure?
Out of every 100 units, we randomly select 5 to check. We check for both the quality and for any errors. Errors are very rare because of our recruitment process and how we manage the workload.
Our current error rate as of May 2018 is 1 in 1,608.
But on the flipside of this, we have a huge advantage over printed mailings.
That’s because the quality/accuracy of printed mailings are based entirely on the accuracy of the data.
Whereas a machine cannot realise if an address is spelt incorrectly, or a specific part of the address is needlessly in capitals – our handwriters manually turn your data into beautiful handwriting – ensuring any data errors are fixed.
Q: Do you offer a discount for bulk mailings?
Yes, discounts start at 100,000 mailings.
These can be purchased up-front and used as a credit system.
The second rate of discount is then for over 250,000 units.
Would you like a Sample Pack?
Are you ready to step-up and save your company from poor-performing direct mail? Then the first step is to request your sample pack.
We’ll pack some handwritten goodies along with our latest brochure and it will fly itself to you in a big hand-addressed envelope within 72 hours.
You can then learn more about us and organise a call to get your handwritten trial set-up
Scribble Mail Limited, Unit 11b Charter Point Way, Ashby Park, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, LE65 1NF